When you consider the amount of time you spend each week in the grocery store, the cost of groceries, and the amount of time spent preparing meals for you and your family, you’ll realize that hiring 2chefs4you is a very wise investment when it comes to pricing and servicing.
2chefs4you enjoys helping those who don’t have time to prepare their meals, those who eat on the run and those who just want to celebrate life!
By scheduling a no-obligation complimentary assessment with 2chefs4you, we can determine your needs and customize your Luncheon and Dinner Party with delicious entrées, and fill your calendar with extra free time to enjoy your life!
Our standard service charge for a Luncheon and Dinner Party is $50.00 per hour. The number of hours will vary depending on the service, the number of persons attending, and types of meals to be prepared. Therefore, the final service charge plus the cost of groceries becomes due after services have been rendered.
The standard service fee listed above covers the client assessment, personalized recipe research and menu development, same-day grocery shopping to ensure the freshest ingredients possible, travel to and from your home, meal preparation, the packaging, labeling and storing of food product, and kitchen clean-up. Groceries (perishable goods and main ingredients) are an additional cost to the client.
Contact us today for a complimentary meal planning session, or read How It Works and FAQ’s, Luncheon and Dinner Parties, Cooking Classes or contact 2chefs4you@sasktel.net today.